My lifelong fascination with music and the devices used to record and manipulate sound eventually led me to co-found Soundgas with my wife, Jo.

I'd long found it frustrating that so much gear for sale was poorly described or badly represented and wanted to offer an alternative to the usual lottery of buying vintage equipment.

Soundgas are the gold standard in delivering 'vintage gear that works.'

Inevitably we are offered far more equipment than we can service and sell with our warranty. This, together with the demise of eBay as a reliable way to sell old gear, led us to found Soundgas Auctions.

Bob Dylan said that a man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. Soundgas is the result – I love what we do.

We are constantly growing and evolving and for me it is a journey of discovery and wonder. This is my passion and I love that I get to share it here – thank you.